UN: Antonio Guterres Establishes Priorities for 2025

UN: Antonio Guterres Establishes Priorities for 2025

This year, Antonio Guterres has vowed to address four sins wreaking havoc around the world: unmanageable conflicts, particularly in Gaza, where a ceasefire is set to go into effect, Lebanon, Ukraine, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Haiti. He believes that the UN should prioritise the resolution of these situations.

Another issue raised before the United Nations Assembly was the widespread inequities and failing to meet promises to achieve sustainable development goals. With five years till the deadline, 4,000 billion dollars are still missing, he claimed.

Faced with a growing climate crisis The UN Secretary-General also called for a 60% decrease in carbon emissions by 2035, as well as a reduction in fossil fuel output. Finally, citing the dangers of out-of-control technologies such as artificial intelligence, Antonio Guterres urged the international community to ensure that AI promotes humanity, equality, and dignity.

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