To Conserve Hundreds of Endangered tortoises, Madagascan Band Together

To Conserve Hundreds of Endangered tortoises, Madagascan Band Together

Thousands of severely endangered tortoises have been saved by the collective efforts of a community in southern Madagascar. Tropical typhoon Dikeledi earlier this month triggered floods that carried the reptiles out of their sanctuary and left them swimming for their life.

The Lavavolo Tortoise Centre is home to 12,000 radiated and spider tortoises that were seized from unlawful wildlife trafficking. The tortoises, many of them are young adults between the ages of 25 and 50, were taken away when floodwaters a metre high flooded the refuge.

“The facility was inundated in a way we had never seen before. According to Rakotonanahary Tsanta Fiderana, Head of Veterinary Support at Turtle Survival Alliance Madagascar, “it was a huge shock for the team and the animals as well.”

With basins searching the water for life, sanctuary employees, residents, and even police officers were seen. So far, some 700 deceased tortoises have been discovered in the floodwater, trapped by rocks and other debris.

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