What Important Lessons did US President Joe Biden Learn From his Historic Visit to Angola?

US President Joe Biden met with Angolan President João Lourenço during his three-day visit. Lourenço has worked to strengthen ties with the US since he took office seven years ago. When Biden met with President Lourenço at the Presidential Palace, he boasted about the close ties between Angola and Washington, saying, “The United States is all in on Africa.” The purpose of Biden’s visit was to highlight US investment in the area. While at Lobito, the US president promised to contribute an additional $600 million in the Lobito Corridor.
By restoring 1,300 kilometers of train lines that connect Angola to the mineral-rich regions of Congo and Zambia in central Africa, this initiative seeks to revitalize supply chains. After decades of links to China and Russia, the new president of Angola has brought the country closer to the United States. Nevertheless, US officials continue to be concerned about China’s expanding influence in the region.
Joe Biden also went to the nation’s national enslavement museum while he was there. Speaking from a stage by the lake, he stated that although America was founded on the principles of equality and freedom, “it’s abundantly clear today we have not lived up to that ideal.” He also stated that history cannot and should not be erased. Biden emphasized the potential for economic opportunity to strengthen the ties between Angola and the United States, which were once bound by the atrocities of human slavery.
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