Spain Pledges €50 Million To Handle The Canary Islands’ Migratory Situation

Spain Pledges €50 Million To Handle The Canary Islands’ Migratory Situation

Pedro Sánchez, the prime minister of Spain, met with Fernando Clavijo, the president of the Canary Islands, on Friday. The archipelago is still dealing with a large influx of migrants and is having difficulty providing for thousands of unaccompanied youngsters.

After the meeting, Ángel Victor Torres, Sánchez’s minister for territorial policy and democratic memory and the former regional president of the Canaries, spoke on behalf of the administration.

He declared that the talks had been productive and provided the archipelago with an additional 50 million euros, on top of the additional funding provided in previous years.

After arriving, adult migrants eventually leave the islands for mainland Spain and other areas of Europe, but the regional government is in charge of unaccompanied youngsters.

More than 5,000 children and teenagers who came to the archipelago on their own or who lost parents on the perilous journey from the coast of West Africa, according to the Canary Islands, are currently under its care.

According to Torres, Sánchez and Clavijo promised to continue working on longer-term solutions to the problem of irregular migration, with a focus on the issue of minors traveling alone.

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