South Africa: Jacob Zuma unveils the Party’s New Platform

In the run-up to the highly anticipated national elections, former South African President Jacob Zuma lamented the high rates of poverty among Black South Africans on Saturday and pledged to combat the problem of crime and create jobs. He also unveiled the manifesto of his new political party.
He assured the thousands of supporters gathered at Johannesburg’s Orlando Stadium that his party would construct factories employing a large number of South Africans and offer free education to the nation’s youth.
Victims of crime are often Black people. The reason for this is because of poverty. People are hungry. They have nothing to eat. So if you see it (food) next door, what else are you supposed to do,” he said.
Zuma said his party was aiming to get more than 65% of the national vote in the upcoming elections as it would allow them to change many laws in the country’s constitution.
Recent polls and analysts have suggested that the ruling African National Congress might get less than 50% of the national vote in the upcoming elections, which would need it to form a coalition with smaller parties to remain in power.
Additionally, he has promised to amend the nation’s Constitution to give traditional leaders more authority again, claiming that the increase in power granted to judges and magistrates has diminished their influence in society. The MK Party, also known as Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe party, has become a prominent player.
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