Pet Professionals in South Africa Advise Owners to Shield their Animals from Fireworks

South African experts advise pet owners on how to shield their animals from the effects of fireworks during the New Year’s festivities. Around the world, fireworks are used to celebrate the start of a new year, and many people find them enjoyable. However, as Mandy Robinson, director of Spaniel Rescue South Africa, explains, this isn’t always the case for certain animals.
Dogs become frightened. Things like lightning and thunder can pass through barriers. On the palisade fencing, they become stuck. People will meticulously plan their vacations, but when it comes to animals, they appear to stray from the path, which is unacceptable. “They ought to be a part of your life all year round,” Robinson maintains. Some animals may experience severe stress from light flashes and loud noises, although these effects can be minimized.
Some experts say owners might consider asking their veterinarian for anti-anxiety medicine. One of them, Vanessa Fitzpatrick, is the founder of Pet Connect, a nonprofit organization that assists in bringing missing pets back to their owners.
Your veterinarian can prescribe soothing or anti-anxiety medication if you’re worried about your pet’s wellbeing on New Year’s, particularly with the fireworks. However, Fitzpatrick advises, “if you receive a prescription from a veterinarian, make sure that you follow it.
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