Found In Botswana, The Largest Diamond Discovered In More Than A Century

The largest diamond discovered in the country of Botswana, located in southern Africa, has been revealed to be the second largest diamond globally.
On Thursday, August 22, there was a viewing event where the remarkable 2,492-carat stone was displayed.
At Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi’s office, the world was shown the diamond, which has not yet been given a name. Masisi was among the first to grasp it, and it weighs about half a kilogram.
Masisi remarked, “It is overwhelming.” “To have witnessed it during my lifetime is a blessing.” He exhaled and uttered the word “wow” before summoning top government officials to examine the object more closely.
The rough diamond was found from the Karowe Mine in the north of the country, according to a statement released by the Canadian mining company Lucara Diamond Corp. on Wednesday, August 21.
It was found whole and Lucara described it as a “high-quality” stone. Utilizing X-ray technology, it was located.
It was premature, according to officials, to determine the stone’s value or the best way to sell it. The 2016 sale of a smaller diamond from the same Botswana mine brought in a record $63 million for a raw diamond.
After Russia, Botswana is the world’s second-largest diamond producer and has recently produced all of the largest stones in the world.
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