After nearly two months, Kenya doctors sign an agreement to end their strike.

This development follows on Tuesday, May 7, when a labor court in Kenya gave doctors and the government 48 hours to sign a return-to-work agreement, failing which the court would decide the case.
The doctors had demonstrated that they were more skilled negotiators than the government side, according to Kenya’s Health Minister Susan Nakhumicha, as they had put up “quite a fight.”
Millions of Kenyans who were in need of medical attention from public hospitals that had been severely damaged by the strike are relieved that it has ended.
For emergency services, a few hospitals had made the decision to employ temporary physicians.The longest-ever strike by doctors in Kenya’s public hospitals took place in 2017 for 100 days, during which they demanded increased pay and the government’s restoration of the nation’s deteriorating public health facilities.
On May 8, union secretary general Davji Atellah affirmed that doctors have made the decision to put their faith in the government to resolve the problems that precipitated the walkout. The main concerns here are po Also Read : or compensation and working conditions.
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