Sanctions Against Sudan are Renewed by the UN Security Council to September 2025

Sanctions Against Sudan are Renewed by the UN Security Council to September 2025

A draft resolution that would have extended the sanctions against Sudan until September 2025 was approved by the UN Security Council on Wednesday.

“Renewing the sanctions measures will prohibit the entry of weapons into Darfur and impose penalties on people and organizations who support or participate in Sudan’s destabilizing actions. All of this is necessary to help stop the conflict from getting worse, lessen the humanitarian crisis, and get Sudan back on the path to security and stability. Robert A. Wood, the US’s Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs in the UN, stated that the US is still dedicated to the Sudanese people and will keep up its close cooperation with them.

Today, September 11, the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved a draft resolution that would prolong the sanctions system against Sudan until September 12, 2025. The resolution includes targeted measures like asset freezes, travel bans, and an arms embargo. The resolution is a technical rollover of the policies that resolution 2676, which was renewed in March 2023, had in place.

“There is irrefutable evidence that this war that we are experiencing is a result of the UAE’s support for militias that are committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur,” stated Al-Harith Idriss al-Harith Mohamed, Sudan’s ambassador.

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