Am I Tech Enough Redefines You Are Tech Enough: Tan Ting (Grace) Tang

Am I Tech Enough Redefines You Are Tech Enough: Tan Ting (Grace) Tang
A visionary leader and cross-industry expert, Tan Ting (Grace) Tang has a passion for redefining the tech landscape. With a diverse background spanning five industries, including airlines, hospitality, real estate, retail, and automotive, Grace brings a unique perspective to the intersection of business, technology, and innovation. Founder and CEO of Am I Tech Enough, Grace is recognized for her commitment to fostering inclusive leadership, and empowering Non-tech Tech Talents (talents who came from non-tech backgrounds but are tech-enough). As the host of the “Am I Tech Enough Podcast,” Grace also shares inspiring stories of unconventional tech leaders.

A Lifelong Learner and Global Citizen: Tan Ting (Grace) Tang

Born in China and raised in mainland China and Hong Kong SAR, Grace’s childhood was filled with warmth and connection. Growing up in a vibrant neighborhood, Grace spent afternoons playing with friends, often assuming the role of “teacher” in imaginative role-playing games. This early spark of curiosity and leadership shaped her future. As Tan Ting (Grace) Tang turned 18, Grace’s thirst for knowledge and exploration took her beyond Hong Kong’s familiar streets. Tan Ting (Grace) Tang spent a winter in Boston honing her English skills and a summer in Vancouver participating in a global career development program. Her academic journey then spanned two continents: earning a bachelor’s degree in Hong Kong SAR and a master’s degree at Oxford. Grace’s intellectual curiosity didn’t stop there. Her self-described “restless brain” propelled her to pursue eight additional certificates in diverse fields, including digital products, brand marketing, AI, and coaching. Driven by a passion to make a meaningful impact, Grace continues to seek knowledge and inspire others. “After turning 24, my career had taken me into five diverse industries – Airlines, Hospitality, Real Estate, Retail, and Automotive. Over six years of diverse experience in Fortune 500 companies and innovative environments taught me the power of collaboration and global impact. Now at 30, I find myself standing in the heart of the Middle East, opening a new chapter – one filled with endless possibilities. When AI technology, unconventional talents, and ambitious visions converge to shape the future, there’s an energy here that’s palpable, and I can’t help but feel a deep sense of purpose as I look ahead.” She adds.

Presence Of Am I Tech Enough

As a linguistics graduate, Grace shares that she never expected to dive into tech. Initially, she believed coding, software development, and system architecture were beyond her expertise. However, she discovered that her unique perspective and skills have value in the tech world. The rise of cross-functional collaboration and AI has democratized technology, allowing diverse professionals like Grace to contribute and make an impact. She adds, “Now, if you asked me questions regarding leading a team to roll out a system, crafting customer strategy for a digital product, or development of a product strategy for a digital service, my answer will always be a big yes.” The rise of Generative AI in 2023 revealed that tech is no longer exclusive to computer science graduates. ‘Non-tech Tech Talents’ – the tech-enough individuals with diverse backgrounds, business acumen, and teamwork skills – will drive innovation. However, traditional tech hiring requirements limit entry points. But the crucial question remains: How can individuals from non-tech backgrounds break into tech when experience and degrees often dictate access? Addressing this, Grace shares, “Am I Tech Enough was born from this very question. Our vision is to be the #1 AI-powered community for Non-tech Tech Talents by offering them inspiration, opportunities, and a sense of belonging.  Our first major milestone is the launch of our channel— Am I Tech Enough Podcast—a bite-sized series highlighting the stories of unconventional tech leaders who started from non-tech backgrounds and are now making waves in the industry. The first episode will go live in October 2024, and through these conversations, we aim to raise awareness, build a community for Non-tech Tech Talents. Looking ahead, we’re actively seeking for investors, partners, and sponsors to join us in redefining what it means to be tech enough and create a better world with tech.”

Essential Leadership Traits

Grace’s leadership philosophy is built around six core values that cultivates a high-performing and collaborative team environment. She believes that successful leaders of any industry should have six major values above all. She mentions, “After working across five diverse industries and reporting to more than 10 different managers, I’ve seen firsthand what makes leadership thrive – and what makes it falter. Over time, I have developed my leadership philosophy. At the core of it all are the values I live by my ABCDEF of Leadership: Authentic, Bold, Creative, Diverse, Empowering, and Fun.” Authenticity allows individuals to be their true selves, leading to optimal performance, whereas boldness encourages taking risks, challenging norms, and driving innovation. She further shares that creativity fuels out-of-the-box thinking for effective problem-solving. Diversity brings varied perspectives together, strengthening ideas and solutions. Empowerment trusts teams with autonomy, inspiring pride and ownership. “Finally, fun keeps it all together – when we enjoy our work, we perform better, and the results speak for themselves. These values, which I call ABCDEF, form the foundation of my leadership approach. Each of these values plays a vital role in creating a culture where people from all backgrounds can come together, collaborate, and create meaningful change, all while having fun along the way.” Grace adds.

Words Of Wisdom For Beginners

Aspiring professionals will find it extremely helpful to hear from an expert like Grace. Addressing the beginners, Grace says, “For beginners, I want to share a poem by Mary Oliver.” “Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean— the one who has flung herself out of the grass, the one who is eating sugar out of my hand, who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down— who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes. Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face. Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away. I don’t know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields, which is what I have been doing all day. Tell me, what else should I have done ? Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Follow Tan Ting (Grace) Tang on LinkedIn. Find Am I Tech Enough on LinkedIn and visit their website Find “Am I Tech Enough Podcast” on Spotify and Apple Podcast Also Read :- Exploring the Vision behind Jabal Tariq Jeneral Trading Co.: A Conversation with CEO Wessam Alsenafi Tariq Powering Progress In The Energy Sector With Energetica: Zaki Nashif

The Africa Times

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