Haitians want New Authorities to address Gang Violence Immediately.

Their list of demands is expanding quickly, just days after the formal departure of former prime minister Ariel Henry Haitians was marked by the installation of a transitional presidential council.
The needs of Haitians are jobs, food, and security, and they want them fast.
“The presidential council’s first task is to investigate the security issue. This country is unlivable because of the insecurity. We are rushing around like crazy and have nowhere to go,” explains Joseph Ferdinand, the cab driver He lists hunger as the next problem.
People are unhappy with their lives. “Misery is destroying the population,” he declares, gesturing to a massive heap of uncollected trash in the street. Many others on the streets of Port-au-Prince, the capital, echo his complaints.
People in Port-au-Prince’s streets claim that it is hard to even consider returning to a regular life in the absence of security.
Insecurity is what got us to this point in time. According to auto technician Jean-Marc Daniel, “a country without security is a country where we cannot do anything.” The nine-member council says it will cast its vote for the nation’s next president on Tuesday, while acknowledging the difficulties it confronts.
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