Following a Week of Unfounded Allegations of Pet Food Consumption, Haitians Find Unity at Church

Following a Week of Unfounded Allegations of Pet Food Consumption, Haitians Find Unity at Church

In Springfield, Ohio, Sunday mornings are a happy time of worship for many Haitian immigrants as they sing and pray in their native Creole. They really needed that reassuring balm this Sunday.

“Jesus understands the struggles faced by the Haitians, having been himself a refugee. The Bible makes it very clear that we have a duty to love and welcome immigrants and to stand up for those who are oppressed, so preaching on this topic is very simple, according to pastor Carl Ruby of Central Christian Church, who on Sunday welcomed a number of Haitian community members to his service.

False allegations that they are consuming the dogs and cats of their neighbors are causing havoc in their town. JD Vance, the running mate of former President Donald Trump, and other individuals are feeding the highly politicized and widespread rumors.

Additionally, violent threats against the community are upending their city’s daily routine.

You have no idea how terrified and nervous they are at the moment. And if people would just acknowledge that they’ve been misled and that this hasn’t happened, it could all be stopped. Ruby stated, “I think they probably would if people in power or those who have had power asked the hate groups to leave.

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